Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. More importantly, the selection of proper psychrometric chart is one of the most important aspect before applying their principles to find out the values.This section does not cite any sources.

Hence, to get a proper outcome one should know how to use the psychrometric chart and be particular about the values to find out, in order to carry out their air conditioning calculations. A specialty has been filled to give clients a basic instrument for plotting main informative items and the safe place onto a psychrometric outline. Many authors of psychrometric topics have felt that there is a need among engineering specialists to take single or various focuses and plot them onto the psychrometric outline. It should be a forerunner to any plan approach and might turn into a plan idea generator when a comprehension of our outer climatic circumstances is completely perceived and appreciated. Plotting of psychrometric information of a specific environment is the initial phase in becoming mindful of the plan conditions or limitations. These two charts allow working within the comfort range of most systems. This will be discussed in future posts (Refer to Next post with the title “Examples of Air Mixing Process”. 2 and the resulting information transferred to chart No. To apply the lower range chart to an HVAC system, part of the values are plotted on Chart No.

2 is very useful, especially in locations with colder temperatures. 1 can be used alone when no freezing temperatures are encountered. 7 – Normal temperatures at 2250 meters above sea level, 0 to 50⁰ CĬhart No. 6 – Normal temperatures at 1500 meters above sea level, 0 to 50⁰ CĬhart No. 5 – Normal temperatures at 750 meters above sea level, 0 to 50⁰ CĬhart No. 4 – Very High temperatures, 100 to 200⁰ CĬhart No. 3 – High temperatures, 10 to 120⁰ CĬhart No. 2 – Low temperatures, -40 to 10⁰ CĬhart No. 1 – Normal temperatures, 0 to 50⁰ CĬhart No. There are five different psychrometric charts available and in use today:Ĭhart No. Psychrometric Chart The ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart is a graphical representation of the thermodynamic properties of air.